Monday, January 23, 2012

Heart Bookmarks

This morning has not been going so well. Nate was in New Mexico all weekend and got back last night. He was here a bit this morning before he left for work. The kids have been missing him and there is no school today. That combination really puts Asher in a foul mood. He has been really mean, so I decided to do a craft about love. 
 While I set some things up the kids colored.

 I broke out some stickers which is always a crowd pleaser in this house.
 We made heart book marks today!
Have I mentioned how much I love Valentine's Day. I think it may be my favorite holiday. I love all the crafts you can make.


  1. Replies
    1. Asher! Piper! You did such beautiful bookmarks!!! Well done!!!
      And good work, thinking to do a craft about love. When I came to a point in my mothering where God helped me realize my kids were not obstacles but opportunities I did that same thing with them....when they were in bad moods I made a decision to not get upset but to work with them and we did crafts. the result was that we all ended up in good moods. :-) I might even have saved some of that handwork of long ago when Nate was 4 and Micah was 2.... Grace Parenting.
