Monday, June 17, 2013

Birthday Girl

Sweet Piper,

   You are 4 today. I can't really say it surprises me, because you have talked about turning 4 every single day since your last Birthday. You are a girl who enjoys a good party.

I still look at you every day and am astonished that you are mine. The house is full of crazy boys and there you are in the midst of them. Your sweetness and girliness always makes me smile. You are my early riser. Every morning you come into my room to wake me up. You snuggle up next to me and tap my face saying "Wake up Mommy, it's your lovely day". You usually follow that with a rendition of Kum ba yah. It's the best way to start a morning. 

You love going to school and dance. Nothing makes you happier than being around other girls. You are kind, and to me that is so important. I hope that will always be a part of your spirit. I love you so much. I will miss 3 year old Piper, but I am so excited to see what this year will bring. 


  1. Happy Birthday, Baby Pipes!

  2. That is one of the most beautiful pictures I've ever seen. It looks like a painting.
