Thursday, September 27, 2012

Last of the vacation pictures

One disadvantage to where we live is that there are no good climbing trees. Every time we are in a place with good trees Asher is the first to start climbing. 
 He has pretty good form.
 This sweet girl makes me so happy. She is such a delight to be around and is constantly making me laugh with the things she says.
 Dex is so easy going, I guess you have to be in this family. I am just starting to get hints of the boy he will grow into and it's fun to watch.


  1. I love that you've been posting so much! On the other hand, I think it's mean to keep flaunting your children when you haven't even scheduled your next visit!

  2. Yaaay for trees...I'm so glad there were trees for Asher to climb.... It looked similar to trees we saw in San Diego in a park and at that particular park a sign says 'Do not climb on the trees' and they look so perfect to climb....but I guess you can climb on trees that are outside of the park :-) Piper is such a cute little princess...I bet she'd love to wear a Jasmine (in disney's Arabian Nights) costume.... Her darker coloring lends itself to that, perfectly! But then she'd probably want to wear it 24/7 . And Dex....what a little charmer. He's going to have girls falling all over him and all he'd need to do is just stand there with his gorgeous big eyes. Oh my kiddies.

  3. What a joy it is to have these grandchildren in my life. Your posts brighten my day!!
