Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Baby # 3

I'm sure most of you are aware that we are having another baby. This one is due April 6th. This weekend I entered the throwing up portion of the pregnancy. That part lasted all nine months with the first two pregnancies, but I'm hoping this little Niphakis will be a bit nicer to me. We have been going back and forth about finding out, and right now we are saying we want to be surprised. I also don't think we will pick a name until we see the baby. My other two babies are currently needing some attention, so I should get to them before they resort the throwing dog food at each other again. I'll keep you all updated.


  1. I'm SO happy for you guys! I can't wait to meet my new niece or nephew!

  2. I'm so excited that you're going to wait to find out what it is! :)

  3. I'm so happy for you Ally! Girl or boy, baby #3 will be just as beautiful as your other 2!

  4. Which each vomit spew may you savor the thought of your the new little alien-looking kiddo developing in your womb. (Isn't pregnancy like, hey, the best thing ever!) I sure hope you aren't sick for long with this little Nip-hak.
    Way to go to the both of you and congratulations! love, abs
